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Bring home the bacon, or go find it

It’s just you and Dad on a trip back home from South Williamsport, Pennsylvania where your home team Ohio placed runner up in the Little League World Series. It’s nearly 11 o’clock at night and all you can think about on the drive is how you had bases loaded and missed an opportunity to tie the game with a Grand Slam; the fact you missed dinner isn’t helping either. It’s ok, Dad’s got your back, and so does Denny’s.

Beautiful maps, beautiful pancakes. App for iOS.

With the same care you put into honing your swing, Denny’s designed an app that’s all about getting you fixed up with a proper breakfast no matter where you are or what time it is. With a custom branded diner finder, Denny’s can end the sadness of defeat and get you that Grand Slam you needed. 

The signature Denny's Grand Slam

Maps feature data from Mapbox and OpenStreetMap and their data partners.

